Purchasing Contract
Copy and paste the following form and send it to GalenLarlssonX@aol.com
Contract and Order Form
One half the total purchase price on all ships is required with the signed contract prior to the beginning of construction. Expect three hands for building and delivery unless there is a back log of commissions. You will be notified as to the delivery date. The remaining amount is due upon completion of the ship(s) designated under this contract by the builder. Any special orders, modifications, or negotiated prices to standard ship design will be in addition, or in lieu of set prices, to be determined by the Builder contracted. Ships are AoG registered.
Important note! Any ship not paid for and taken upon completion becomes the sole property of the builder and no refund will be issued for materials already purchased.
Signature of Purchaser:
Mun Date :
Signature of Builder:
Mun Date :
Name of Owner:
Name of Shipwright:
Port of Ship:
Name of Ship:
Ship Type (Ram, Round, Serpent, etc.):
Ship Class (Heavy, Medium, Light):
Color of Ship:
Color of Eyes:
Sail color and designs if desired:
Type of sail: